What does an Osteopath do?

Dr Amanda Pike
An osteopath is a holistic musculoskeletal therapist who looks at more than the area of complaint.

Osteopathy is a distinctive health care approach that goes beyond treating specific symptoms and instead focuses on enhancing the overall health and functionality of the body. But what exactly does an osteopath do? Let’s delve into the multifaceted role of an osteopath and how they can help you maintain your version of "awesome."

The Holistic Approach of Osteopathy

Beyond the Symptoms

From the outset of their training, osteopaths are taught to look beyond the immediate area of discomfort. The holistic approach in osteopathy means assessing the entire musculoskeletal system to find the root cause of issues, not just the obvious symptoms. This patient-centered philosophy ensures that treatment plans are comprehensive and tailored to each individual's needs.

Tailoring Treatment to Individual Needs

Osteopaths strive to understand what "awesome" means for each patient, whether it's running marathons, lifting grandchildren, or simply living day-to-day without pain. By assessing how different parts of the body work together, osteopaths can create personalized strategies that help patients achieve their specific goals.

Techniques Used by Osteopaths

Osteopaths employ a variety of treatment methods tailored to meet the unique needs and health goals of each patient. Below are some common techniques used in osteopathic practice:

Manual therapy

  • Massage: Utilizes soft tissue manipulation to improve blood circulation, reduce muscle tension, and promote relaxation.
  • Stretching: Aims to enhance muscle flexibility and joint mobility, helping to prevent injuries and alleviate discomfort.
  • Manipulation: Involves precise movements to joints and spine to improve structural alignment, enhance movement, and relieve pain.

Dry needling

Different from acupuncture, dry needling involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body targeting pains and tightness. This technique is used to target muscle knots and relieve pain through the release of muscle tension and improvement of blood flow.

Cupping therapy

This method uses heated suction cups placed on the skin to enhance circulation and relieve muscle tension. The suction promotes healing by drawing blood to the area, helping to speed up the recovery process and alleviate muscle stiffness.

Exercise prescription

Osteopaths design customized exercise programs that target specific areas of the body to strengthen muscles, improve posture, and support efficient movement patterns. These exercises are often aimed at rehabilitating injuries, preventing future issues, and maintaining overall physical fitness.

Lifestyle advice

Osteopaths provide recommendations on diet, lifestyle choices, and ergonomic setups at home or work. This advice is designed to support the body’s natural healing processes and optimize physical health, covering aspects such as nutritional intake, sleep habits, and daily activity levels.

Each of these techniques can be used in isolation or combined in a comprehensive treatment plan, depending on individual patient needs and health objectives. Through a detailed assessment, osteopaths determine the most effective strategies to address specific conditions and promote long-term wellness.

Adaptive Strategies

The techniques employed by an osteopath may evolve based on the patient’s progress and changes in their condition. The adaptability of osteopathic treatment is a key element in its effectiveness, allowing for adjustments that are responsive to the patient's evolving needs.

The Core of Osteopathic Care

Patient-Centered Wellness

At the heart of osteopathic care is a commitment to considering all factors that might influence a patient's physical form and function. This includes not only biological but also psychological and environmental factors that could impact a person’s well-being.

Commitment to Keeping You Active

Osteopaths are dedicated to keeping you "firing on all cylinders." Whether through direct treatments or preventative care, the goal is always to enhance your ability to enjoy life to its fullest, free from physical limitations.


Osteopaths play a crucial role in the field of holistic health care by focusing on the whole body rather than isolated symptoms. With their broad toolkit of techniques and patient-centered philosophy, they provide valuable support to those looking to maintain or improve their health in a comprehensive manner. If you’re seeking a holistic approach to your well-being, considering osteopathy might be your first step towards sustained health and vitality.

To book an osteopathy appointment with the Enso team, go to this link.

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